Thursday, April 16, 2009

Data's Day

Not really, I'm just hit with inner-narrative today.

My alarm clock went off this morning and as usual I laid in bed for about 45 minutes after it went off. Realizing I would be late to class and have to take a test I didn't study for (although for this class if you have a frontal lobe you're pretty much set) I grabbed my phone to check email. The clock on my phone was an hour earlier. Now, my alarm clock is "atomic" and has righted wrongly-entered time before so I know it's syncing with something. But at that moment I had to choose between the atomic clock and the Apple time server as to which was accurate. I'd either have to leave immediately or have an hour to make breakfast and study. 

When things like this happen first thing in the morning they seem way more fundamental than at any other point in the day. Like right now.

Needless to say, after checking three other clocks I resigned myself to having time for food and study. The odd thing is I wasn't really that tired through all this...but I am a little anxious about what the rest of the day will bring.

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